Looking Back
Looking Back One memorable character I worked with during my 14 years at Hewlett Packard was Dan Bojanowski, or Bojo for short. I never quite figured out what Bojo did at HP, but somehow he always turned up when I was about to do something stupid. Bojo was like a fly on the wall, watching what was going on, then initiating an informal chat, that always started innocently enough, giving Bojo an opening to work his way to the point. I was always trying to make things better which gave Bojo lots of opportunities to chat. One memorable quote was “It is much easier to put a new process in place but nearly impossible to get rid of a useless and outdated process, so be careful what processes you create.” The other quote that stuck with me was “Don’t bother to measure something if the data will not effect any decisions”. I did internalize Bojo’s ideas of simplicity. Before the bike adventure I was asked which software I would use to track the ride, which bike computer to track my pe...